The Conference
�Representative Government and the Separation of Powers
as a Challenge of Democracy�
Romanian Senate, Constantin Stere Hall
23rd � 25th September 2015
Draft programme
Wednesday, 23rd of September 2015
14.00 � 14.30 Registration and Welcome, Constantin Stere Hall, the Romanian Senate
14.30 � 16.00 Official Opening of the Conference
Mr. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, President of the Romanian Senate
Introduction to the topic of the Conference:
Mr. Daniel Barbu, Senator
Special Guests:
Mr Valeriu Zgonea, President of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies
Mrs Christine Defraigne, Speaker of the Senate of Belgium (confirmed)
Mr Gerard Larcher, President of the Senate of France (tbc)
Mrs Ankie Broeckers Knol, President of the First Chamber of the Dutch Senate (tbc.)
HE Baroness D�Souza, Lord Speaker of the Lords Chamber in Great Britain (tbc)
16.00 � 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 � 18.00 Addresses
Mr. Ion Iliescu, former President of Romania
Mr. Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania
Mr. Ioan Chelaru Vice-president of the Romanian Senate
Mr. Bogdan Liviu Ciucă, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies (tbc.)
Mr. Şerban Nicolae, senator, member of the Committee on Abuses (tbc)
Transfer to the hotel
20.00 � 22.00 Official dinner/reception hosted by Mr Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, President of the Romanian Senate
Thursday, 24th of September 2015
09.30 � 10.00 Registration and Welcome, Constantin Stere Hall, the Romanian Senate
10.00 � 11.30 First panel (I) � The independence of the Judiciary. The separation of powers through checks and balances
Keynote speakers
Mrs. Annemie Neyts, former MEP (tbc)
Mr. Marius Tudose, President of CSM (The Superior Council of Magistracy)
Mrs. Gabriela Baltag, President of AMR (Romanian Association of Magistrates)
Mrs. Natalia Roman, President of UNJR (National Union of Romanian Judges)
Mr. Gheorghe Florea, President of UNBR (The National Association of Romanian Bars)
11.30 � 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 � 13.30 First panel (II) � The independence of the Judiciary. The separation of powers through checks and balances
Keynote speakers
13.30 � 14.30 Lunch
14.30 � 16.00 Second panel (I) � The crisis of representative democracy. The mistrust in public institutions, corruption, and the fight against corruption.
The Crisis of Democracy as reflected in mass media
Key note speakers
Mr. Cristian P�rvulescu, Dean of SNSPA (National School of Political Sciences and Public Administration)
M. Marius Pieleanu, SNSPA
Debats with the participation of representatives of media (TVR, Antena 3, Rom�nia TV, Realitatea TV, B1TV, DIGI24, Justice World)
16.00 � 16.15 Coffee break
16.15 � 17.45 Second panel (II) � The crisis of representative democracy. The mistrust in public institutions, corruption, and the fight against corruption.
Perspective from the academic community
Key note speakers
Mr. Fulco Lanchester, PhD, Sapieza University of Rome (confirmed)
Prof. Simina Tănăsescu, PhD, Presidential Counselor (tbc)
Prof. Corneliu Liviu Popescu, PhD, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law (tbc)
Prof. Viorel Mihai Ciobanu, Lawyer, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law (tbc)
17.45 � 18.00 Concluding Remarks
Mr. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, President of the Romanian Senate
Optional trip to Sinaia � visit of the Peleş Castle
Upon request, other arrangements can be made
18.30 � 20.30 Trip to Sinaia by car
20.30 Dinner
Friday, 25th of September 2015
08.00 � 09.00 Breakfast
10.00 � 13.00 Visit of the Peles Castle and the surroundings of Sinaia
13.00 � 14.00 Lunch
14.00 Departure to Bucharest