Matteo Fra u & Elisa Tira, The interpretation of the Commander in Chief clause in the American Constitution in comparison with the recent transformation of the prerogative power to deploy troops in the unwritten British Constitution

The article provides a comparative analysis concerning the war powers of the Executive Branch in the British and in the American experiences; the aim is to understand if the evolution of the constitutional war powers in the United Kingdom could influence the debate on the interpretation of the war powers in the US Constitution. More … Leggi tutto “Matteo Fra u & Elisa Tira, The interpretation of the Commander in Chief clause in the American Constitution in comparison with the recent transformation of the prerogative power to deploy troops in the unwritten British Constitution”

Pubblicato in: Nomos, Saggi | Contrassegnato Commander in Chief clause, Elisa Tira, Matteo Frau, Nomos 1-2018, Saggi